Monday, May 27, 2013

Day 27: Weekend Wrap-up

Day 27 of the challenge and still going strong (kind of). Today is Memorial Day. First of all, I love 3 day weekends. You get an extra day of rest and it makes for a shorter work week. it's a win-win situation. But Memorial Day is extra special because it's a day we remember the service men and women who have served our country and fought for our freedom. I have several family members that have been in the service at some point in the past. I am thankful for their devotion to our country. It's definitely a sacrifice that I'm not sure I could handle. So take a moment to be thankful for all the men and women who serve our country while you're enjoying you BBQ, pool party, and adult beverage.

And to recap this weekend, it was wonderful. Here is my weekend pretty much in pictures-
Bufflao Bayou Brewery. Boy Wonder and I went. It was yummy. 
Definitely a place I will visit again.
Sunday Funday with a friend.
Frozen (well it was so hot so not frozen for long) mimosas
from Little Woodrows.
Then we got hungry and visited Mongoose vs. Cobra. 
Yummy pretzel and a drink with an egg white in it. 
I tried not to think about the fact I was drinking raw egg. 
I even pondered how many raw eggs it was safe to consume in one day.
I decided two was a good number. 
Mongoose vs. Cobra was celebrating it's 1 year anniversary.
So I got myself a balloon hat (lie- I actually stole it from my friend)
But balloon hats in a bar are totally ok, right?
Memorial day was spent doing some of this. 
Resting, cooking, cleaning, socializing, entertaining.
And talking to my brother's fiance about their wedding! 
So excited to help her plan!

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