Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!!!

As I sit at work today waiting for my boss to tell me I can leave for the day, I'm reflecting on what a crazy, beautiful year it was. I absolutely love watching the end of the year recaps that the different new programs do. It reminds me of all the wonderful things that happened throughout the year. The beginning of a new year is seen as a time to recommit to your life. These shows also get me thinking about all the heartache and sadness that this world has had to face this year and I can't help but feel lucky. While things were not always perfect (and never will be), this year I was blessed with so many wonderful things.  I've come to realize that it's the highs and lows in life that make me who I am. I blog primarily because I want to record my life (the good and sometimes the bad). I read tons of other blogs and sometimes I feel like I'm not doing enough or I'm not good enough- I'm not crafty enough, I don't have a family yet (something I so desire), I don't have adorable kids to fill posts with, etc... It's easy to beat yourself up reading other people's blogs. But I am who I am and I'm proud of it. And to recap my year, here are my top 12 moments from 2012-

  1. March- Went on my first (and last) official Spring Break trip- a cruise to Progreso and Cozumel
  2. April- Didn't get offered a job at the firm I had been working at for 1 1/2 years- turned out to be a blessing in disguise :)
  3. May- Graduated from law school!!!
  4. June and July- Spent the summer studying for the bar exam- super stressful
  5. July- Took the bar exam. Glad that was over and done with!
  6. August- Came to the realization that someone I thought could be my other half had other plans. And I'm a better person because of it :)
  7. September- Finished up my last semester as recruitment advisor for my sorority and moved up to Chapter Director. It's a time consuming and non=paying job but it's 100% worth it!
  8. September- Moved back in with my parents- not sure how I feel about this one but I am saving a ton of money
  9. September- November- Interned at 2 wonderful places while waiting on bar exam results
  10. November 2nd- Passed the Bar Exam- Hooray!!! Glad that one is done!!!! And I'm thinking about taking the Illinois bar exam in July. I might be crazy.
  11. November 11- Turned 32- I feel like my life is getting better as I get older!
  12. December- Got a real job at one of the places I interned at!!! I get a real paycheck now!!! Finally!!!
As I get ready for 2013, I am so excited to see what the year has in store for me. I know January will be started off with a bang because I'm running a half-marathon in just 2 short weeks. YIKES! My hope is to finally have a place of my own, get healthy, and find that other half I've been missing. I finally have everything I want except a family. I know it will come when it's supposed to and I hope the wait is definitely worth it :)

Till next time! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas overload

The holidays are my favorite time of the year. This past month was just a whirlwind of events and fun and food. Here is just a glimpse of my December fun.

I kicked off the holiday season with the City of Houston tree lighting ceremony with mom and dad.

A group of my friends and I did Lights in the Heights again this year!

And we decorated the house for the holidays...

We even had a tree at work

And I went to a white elephant party

I was poor this year so I made my own presents

And I did a little bit of wrapping

And we ate a yummy meal

And then went to go look at Christmas lights

Christmas 2012 was one for the books. 2013 is going to have a hard time living up to it.

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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Thanksgiving was just as good as it always is. A few days before thanksgiving, the Delta Zetas invited me to their thanksgiving celebration. These girls know how to cook!

I also ran the Turkey Trot on thanksgiving morning. Running 6 miles in the morning meant I got to eat an extra slice of pie!

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Monday, November 19, 2012

Officially a lawyer!

After finding out I passed the bar exam, I had to get sworn in to make it official. Texas does an official swearing in ceremony in Austin and even before I started law school, I knew if I ever passed the bar, that this was where I wanted to get sworn in at. It was everything I hoped it would be. It still feels weird to be completely done with everything. I was sworn in on November 12th. It was extra special because my birthday was the day before. It was a great birthday present!

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Color Run

The Color Run came to Houston this year and I definitely didn't want to miss it. A few of the Delta Zetas also signed up so we made it an event. It was the most colorful 5k I've ever done! Definitely a must do!

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Monday, November 5, 2012

Halloween 2012

One of my good friends has a pumpkin carving party each year. This year the completion was tough. I didn't take home any prizes this year :( I'm going to need to up my game for next year!

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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Ren Fest 2012

They had discount tickets to the Renaissance Festival's opening weekend so a few of my friends and I decided to check it out. Ren Fest is an annual festival that lasts about 6 weeks and is about a 1.5 hour drive outside of Houston. I had to come late with one other friend but we still got to see lots of cool things. And the people watching is outstanding. 
The juggler/magician.
This guy was from Paris and he had performed for 
President Bush

 Jeff throwing knives
 Jen throwing knives
 Dan throwing knives. 
No knife throwing for me- I didn't want to injury anybody.
 My head was too big for the face hole :(
 Elephant rides. I'm too cheap to pay for one so I just watched
 Waiting for the closing show
 Fire juggler
Fireworks as the finale!!!