Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Happy (Belated) Birthday Clark!

Clark turned 2 on March 11th!!!! And being the busy mom I am, I forgot to post about it. Actually, I'm not really sure when Clark's birthday is since he was a rescue. But it was on March 11, 2013 that my dad brought home the sad looking dog in the picture below. And he has come around full circle and is now pretty much the love of my life. He has changed me in so many ways and I couldn't imagine my life without him. No matter what is going on, he is always there and is such a good cuddle bug. It's been a fun filled year and I can't wait to see what the future holds.

Here are some of the things Clark loves and does not love-

  • cuddles from his momma and grandma
  • going to the park with his grandpa
  • treats, particularly raw hides and busy bones
  • sleeping on my his bed
  • he dislikes staying in his crate for long periods of time, getting baths, and going to the vet. 

Here are some picture of Clark throughout the year-

He likes to be comfortable
His friend Miley
She likes him a lot more than he likes her
His first sweet potatoe treat.
He no longer likes these. 
His Halloween costume
He was not a fan of it
One of his happier car rides
We were probably leaving the park

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