Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The life of a runner...

In May of 2011, I ran my first 5K race. I had always wanted to try running and I finally decided to give it a go. I remember it being so hot and humid on that day and me thinking 3 miles was a really long way. But I made it through the race and didn't die.

Flash forward to January 2012. I ran the 5K race that goes with the Chevron Houston Marathon and the Aramco Houston Half Marathon. That year, all 3 races were on the same day. It was at this race that I decided that the following year, I was going to be running the half-marathon with all those crazy people. I loved the feeling of the race. The excitement. Everyone cheering you on. And the bling you get when you finish doesn't hurt either.

So in 2012, I ran a few races. I signed up for the lottery and didn't get in. So I raised $500 to get an entry into the race. I didn't train for it like I should have and many times thought about deferring to the next year. But I couldn't because all my friends had donated money and I didn't want to let them down. Until race day, the most I had ever run was 10 miles. And I had only done that once. I figured 13.1 couldn't be much different than 10. Well, I was wrong. On race day, it was almost freezing and pouring down rain. But I made it through and finished in 3:03:38. My goal was 3:00:00 so I missed it by just a little. All year long I have thought about those 3+ minutes and wondered what I could have done differently to get under that 3 hour mark.

So when the registration came around this past summer to sign up, I entered the lottery and this year actually got an entry into the race! I was so excited! I vowed to myself that I would actually train for the race this year. So I signed up for a half marathon in New Orleans in October to see if I was still up for running. This race was miserable. It was 80 degrees, humid, and I pretty much had to walk the last 4 miles because my foot was killing me. SO after that race, I got a little discouraged.

But seeing people posting about their training has gotten me motivated and I actually trained this year for the half. I've done several long runs (7,8,9,11 miles) and feel a little more prepared. I had a cold for about the first week of January so I missed my last long run which has kind of freaked me out. But I've been sticking to it. I did 5 miles last Sunday and felt pretty good about it. I have 2 more short runs this week before running 13.1 on Sunday.

I've set some goals for this year's race. Given that it will be my 3rd half marathon and I know what to expect, I felt like putting some goals on paper was appropriate.  

-finish in under 3 hours which is a little over a 13 min pace (Not a really fast pace but it's 1 min faster than last year- baby steps people)
-stick to my run 9 mins, walk 1 min pace
-enjoy the race (last year was so miserable that it was hard to enjoy, I just wanted to finish)

Now that we're about 4 days out from the race, I'm starting to get a little nervous. Just writing this post makes me nervous. But, I know that I'm as prepared as I'm going to be and I'm really excited for the race. Can't wait to post about it next Monday!


Lauren said...

Good luck! The weather is supposed to be gorgeous so I hope you have a great race!

Whitney H said...

I'll be cheering you on! I was wondering if you were running this year. I know you'll kick butt!