Saturday, March 5, 2011

Neglected Blog No More!

I have been severely neglecting this blog lately. Must be because I have been super busy. The month of February was a rough month for me and I am so glad it is gone and done with. I had one really rough week and had some people be not so nice to me for no apparent reason. But I guess that is how life is and I moved on! In the 28 days of February, I had something planned every night of the week for about 26 of those days. It was crazy! A few things that happened in February-
- Snow Day from work and school (but there wasn't any snow)
- A baby shower for a friend
- The Symposium for the Journal I am on
- Family Mediation Training
- MPRE Review Course (an ethics test for lawyers)
- Barrister's Ball (aka law school prom)- which I was partly in charge of
- My old roommates wedding
- Book Club
- Houston Young Lawyers Meeting
- I also went to 9 mediations for a clinic I am in
- Worked at a law firm and at Williams Sonoma
- And managed to go to several Delta Zeta meetings to help the girls with Recruitment

This was one crazy month! March is a little better because I have Spring Break. I'm staying in Houston this year so I can work, do mediations, and catch up on life.

I'll post a few pictures of all my adventures when I have time (which will probably be next month!)

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