Friday, January 17, 2014

Friday Five

Since it's Friday and I'm tired and sick, I'll give you my Friday Five bullet point style

  • I'm sick. I have a doctor's appointment this morning. I just want something to make me feel better for the half marathon on Sunday.
  • I'm running a half marathon on Sunday (unless I'm dead before then)! Bib #33626. Watch for me if you're out there cheering on the runners!
  • I'm so excited for the Race Expo tomorrow. I get to pick up my race packet and also do a little shopping. I love shopping for running stuff and this expo is a runners dream.
  • I'm going to Florida in a few weeks! My grandma is turning the big 8-0 so I'm attending her party!!! (I'm pretty sure this will knock me into granddaughter of the year :))
  • I am checking things off my to-do list left and right. It feels good!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend! I'll be back Monday with a race update (good or bad).

1 comment:

Elise @ Her Heart and Home said...

Wow! How exiting!! GOOD LUCK on your half tomororw!!! You go girl! Hope you're having a fabulous weekend. Also -- your blog background is so cute and fun! Love it!! xx