Friday, January 3, 2014

Five on Friday

It's the first Friday of 2014 so I'm kicking it off with "Five on Friday."

1. I've been sick since the New Year. At first, I thought it was just being tired from staying up too late but now it has turned into full blown illness. My nose will not stop running!

2. I'm really enjoying my new Erin Condren Life Planner. I seriously love it. Although I love it so much, I don't really want to write in it. If you're looking for a new planner, this one is fabulous and totally worth the money.

3. I have a ton of stuff to do this weekend. And I have zero motivation to do it. It's all tedious paperwork type stuff and isn't very much fun.

4. I'm going to a friend's baby shower this weekend. I dread going into Babies R Us to buy the gift. That place makes my ovaries feel like they are going to explode.

5. I'm doing my last long run before the half marathon on Jan 19th this coming Sunday. I hope the weather cooperates because I really need to get in a good 12 miles. After that, it will just be shorter runs until the big day. I'm feeling really ready for it this year so I'm hoping to break the 3 hour mark on race day (which I know is really slow but running 13 miles is a long way)

Have a wonderful weekend and see you all next week :)


Elise @ Her Heart and Home said...

Hi from the linkup, beautiful! Love your planner! I just started to write in mine today...YAY! Next up is color coding with highlighters. HA! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! Cheers to the weekend! xx

Heidi said...

I remember doing marathon training a few years ago and it was so rough! Good luck Catherine and Happy New Year! :)

Lauren said...

Sooooo I think I am the only person on Earth who doesn't like the EC planner. I just don't find it functional for what I would like to use it for and I forget to add stickers and all that junk when I write things down. Oops. Glad you like yours though and good luck marathon-ing!