Thursday, August 1, 2013

Down with July and moving on to August

WOW! July just flew by! I only blogged twice in July (which means I have a lot of things to catch up on). July was a rough month. I just felt all out of sorts and such so I am happy to welcome August into my life. Hopefully this month will be better :)

So what's been going on in my life-
4th of July fun, dating and not dating, a quick vacation to Chicago, and lots of Delta Zeta recruitment stuff.

Also, during the month of July, I decided to track my spending. I got a little note pad (see pic below) and wrote down everything that I spent. I think I might have only missed a few things where I paid in cash throughout the entire month. I wasn't really monitoring how much I spent but I wanted to see where my money was going. It always seems like it disappears so quickly. Well... let me tell you. I spend way too much money. I eat out A LOT (which I'm sure is why I need to lose a few pounds)! And those $3-$5 breakfasts or snacks add up quickly. I also had some big expenses in July. $500 fixing my car, $200 fixing my dog, a birthday party, and the 4th of July. So for August, not only am I going to track my spending, I'm going to try to limit it as well. Here are a few guidelines I'm going to follow-
  • Only eat out 2-3 times per week total (including breakfast, lunch, dinner, and my late night snacks)
  • No online shopping and only buying things that are absolutely necessary
  • Try really hard to keep Clark healthy and my car running nicely
  • No manicures/pedicures
  • Limit my alcohol consumption (it gets really pricey y'all)
We'll see how I do. Hopefully I'll spend less this month than last. Although that won't be hard to do if my car and dog stay in good shape...


Lauren said...

OMG I don't want to know how much I spend on food. It wouldn't be pretty. Good luck!

Heidi said...

Good idea on writing it all down! I say I will and then never do. Taking my lunches to work help tremendously and then I don't feel bad about spending money eating out on the weekends!
Yay for rush!!!

Heidi said...

Good idea on writing it all down! I say I will and then never do. Yay for rush!!!