Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Day 28: 5 songs I've been listening to A LOT

Day 28: Five songs to share. It's like show and tell day. And I get to share songs that I'm obsessed with right now. Here you go:
Phillip Phillips Gone, Gone, Gone
Hunter Hayes- I Want Crazy
Gloriana- Kissed you Goodnight
Taylor Swift- 22 (because everyone knows I secretly want to be 22 again)
Calee Reed- She Put the Music in Me


Melissa Sugar said...

What a awesome and varied music mix. I enjoyed listening to each of them. I hope you are enjoying life in Texas and best of luck in your law career. I suddenly feel very old. I've been practicing law since 1991, Yikes. I live in Louisiana.

I am a new follower, nice to meet you.

Liz @ Fitness Blondie said...

22 is such a fun song. I am not a huge Taylor fan, but I dig that one.