Monday, October 12, 2009

Looking Forward~

Life has been pretty busy lately. I'm having a difficult time motivating myself to keep up with the pace I've been going at for the past few months so I decided to make a list of all the things I have to look forward to in the next few months. Maybe this will motivate me to get through all my reading and outlining this week.

My Dad moves to Houston in a week for his new job and that means I will get to see him at least once a week. I'm sad my mom isn't moving too but she will be coming to visit in November!

Halloween- I don't particularly like to dress up but I do love seeing all the funny costumes other people wear. Plus, that means that cool weather is coming. I've been feeling the urge to buy pumpkins and have a pumpkin carving party. I need to find time to put that into my busy schedule.

My birthday is just around the corner (Nov. 11)! I love birthdays (especially mine)!

The Nutcracker Market- a tradition that my mom, me, and one of our old neighbors have done for many years. I look forward to this day every year. For those of you who don't know what it is, its a giant craft/holiday fair held at one of the convention centers in Houston. It takes just about the whole day to go through the entire market. So much fun!

(This is an actual picture of the market)

Thanksgiving! I get to go home to Chicago for 5 days! I can't wait to just be home and eat lots of yummy food. I can't wait to go back to my old church and visit. Even though I have to study like crazy while I'm there, I can't wait! And hopefully, it will be cold but not too cold.

And then finally, after finals I get to come home again to Chicago for Christmas! Christmas is my absolute favorite time of the year. I'm only going to be home for a little more than a week but I have so much I want to do! I really want to make sure I get to go here-

Its the Walnut Room at Macy's (used to be Mashall Fields) in downtown Chicago. They have great food and the tree is always so beautiful.

These are just a few of the things I'm looking forward to in the next few months. Now, back to the books and the never ending task of law school!


Julia said...

I miss you and hope the craziness of mid semester doesn't kill too much:) Yes, looking forward, thank goodness for thanksgiving and good luck in finals!

Ciao bella!

The McLane Blog Page: said...

We hope you have a great birthday!!! Good luck with everything!! We know how busy life gets with law school, but you seem to be handling it all nicely!! Have fun!