Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Almost 4 months!

WOW! It has been almost 4 months since I started working out. I can't believe I have stuck with something for so long. I don't think a week has gone by when I haven't worked out at least 4 of the 7 days and it is usually at least 5 days. I'm SOOOO impressed with myself. I haven't lost as much weight as I wanted to yet but I know if I stick with, it will eventually come off. On days when I don't get to go to the gym, I miss it (I NEVER thought those words would come out of my mouth).

So, here's to working out and feeling good!

Also, I've decided I want to start running. Tomorrow is day 1. My goal is to eventually (like a long way down the road) be able to run a half marathon. I'm hoping I can just run for 20 minutes tomorrow! I'll keep blogging about my progress (or lack of it)!

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