Hey there blog! It's been a while since we've connected and believe me when I say, I do think about you at least a few times a week. But life has been busy. And I have had ZERO motivation to blog about it. Every time I do something fun, I think "Oh, that will make a great blog post!" And then, I never blog about it. I do enjoy reading everyone's blogs though. I think I just needed a break from it all. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed and like I wasn't keeping up with everyone else out there in blog world. And like I didn't have anything good to say. It's not a fun place to be. But enough of the pity party... I'm moving on to 2014.
And since it's the last day of the month, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to recap my year. It has been an interesting one for sure. Since I'm at work and don't have access to my pictures, those are going to have to wait. But I wanted to get this post in before tonight's celebrations begin.
January- I was living with the parents and rang in the New Year at a friends house. I also accomplished a huge goal of mine and ran the Houston Aramco Half Marathon. All 13.1 miles of it were exhausting but fun.
February- Still living with the parents. Working, going on many bad dates, and just enjoying life. I went to Dallas one weekend for a sorority event. And to the Rodeo a few times.
March- Still living with the parents. My first year ever without a Spring Break. It was kind of sad seeing everyone post about their awesome vacations while I was at work. But I am thankful I was employed so I guess that's all that matters. I also got Clark at the beginning on March. He was a huge blessing in disguise.
April and May- Still living with the parents. I honestly don't remember what happened in these months. I think they just flew by. I believe I blogged everyday in May though. HUGE accomplishment I'd say considering I haven't blogged since October.
June- Still living with the parents. It got really hot in Houston. I started dating a guy but that didn't last long. I went to San Antonio for Margarita Fest 2013 (not an actual event- we just made that up).
July- Still living with the parents. I went to Chicago for a friend's wedding. It was 70 degrees in the middle of July. Not fair at all.
August and September- I spent a lot of time with Delta Zeta getting ready for recruitment. Moved out of the parental's house and into a townhome with my old roommate.
October- Went to a Law School Halloween party. Realized I'm too old to be going to parties like that. Also went to New Orleans to run another half marathon. It was miserable. 80 degrees and I pretty much thought I was going to die the whole way.
November- My 33rd birthday. It was uneventful this year. I wasn't into celebrating at all. I've kind of been in a funk since then.
December- The month came and went. Christmas was fun and I got lots of good gifts and enjoyed a few days off.
And now that the year is over, I'm not sure I'm ready for the next year. I know it's coming and I have no choice though. This past year was not really hard for any particular reason but it was just hard if that makes any sense. I'm not doing what I want to be doing with work. But I have no idea what I want to be doing. I'm exhausted from dating and trying to find the "one." Is he really out there? I'm beginning to think he might not be. I have great friends and a wonderful family but I'm just not quite where I want to be.
So for 2014, I'm going to work really hard on getting to where I want to be. I have a list of things I want to accomplish but I'm going to keep it to myself and just check it off as it happens.
I hope everyone out there has a wonderful New Years and safely celebrates! See you all in 2014!